Seasonal Wellness Cleanse

A 7 Day Nutrition and Lifestyle Reset

Renew Your Body as the Seasons Change

Reset your energy with seasonal plant-based food

Feel calmer with yoga and guided meditation

Support from a Master Nutrition Therapist

Nourish Your Body With a Seasonal Cleanse

Seasonal food, lifestyle practices, education, and inspiration

The Seasonal Cleanse helps to support your body as the seasons change. Just as the trees, plants, and animals prepare for each season we should too. Every season affects your body differently and it is vital to prepare for the transitions to experience ultimate health.

Hi, I’m Jessica Lee Reader, a Nationally Board-Certified Health Coach, Master Nutrition Therapist, and Yoga Instructor. I created this program using my fifteen years of professional and personal experience with nutrition and yoga.

This is a step-by-step program designed to help you reset your energy, mood, mindset, and metabolism. It is designed to support your digestion, liver, kidneys, and immune system via seasonal food and lifestyle practices.

Gain access to nutrition and well-being education, motivational content, plant-based meal plans, seasonal recipes, yoga classes, and more!

Benefits of Seasonal Cleansing

  • Gain more control of your daily schedule, eating habits, and meal planning strategy.
  • Enjoy new seasonal recipes and consume a wide variety of nutrients to support overall health.
  • Removing common inflammatory foods may help to ease some digestive distress.
  • Eating throughout the day may enhance energy, mental clarity, and help prevent overeating.
  • Yoga and meditation can help to reduce stress, reconnect to your body, and calm your mind.

Seasonal Wellness Cleanse

Gain Instant Access

The Seasonal Reset Includes:

  • A professional, easy-to-use online learning platform that works on all devices
  • Step-by-step education and guidance with inspirational action steps
  • Ongoing 15% off Vitalized Body’s Online Supplement Store
  • 7-day plant-based seasonal meal plan with delicious recipes
  • Meal plan and grocery shopping list templates
  • 7 daily lessons and educational resources
  • Yoga and meditation videos
  • Food/Mind/Body Journal

Start Your Seasonal Cleanse Now!
Begin this holistic journey for $49 and renew yourself.

Spring Wellness Cleanse

Spring Reset

Renew Your Energy and Digestion for the Spring Season

Bid farewell to fatigue and embrace Vitality. Transform this spring into a season of well-being with the 7-Day Spring Reset Nutrition and Lifestyle Program. Overcome fatigue, reduce stress, improve sleep, boost metabolism, and support digestion with a seasonal meal plan, recipes, expert guidance, and yoga and meditation practices. Sign up today and get everything you need to prepare.

Frequently asked questions

What are the benefits of seasonal cleansing?

A toxin is a harmful substance that is capable of causing disease when introduced into the body tissues.

Every day, millions of toxins from different elements enter your body. Regular exposure to toxins from chemicals in the air, food, water, medications, and beauty products is a concern. There are a variety of toxic chemicals including carcinogens, hormone disrupters, neurotoxic chemicals, respiratory toxins, reproductive toxins, and more.

Our bodies have built-in systems that assist in detoxification (lungs, liver, kidneys, skin, intestines). When toxic chemicals enter through one of these paths they are carried around in the bloodstream and eliminated or stored in tissues, like fat and bone. When the toxic burden becomes too much then our system can become sluggish and mild symptoms can occur like fatigue, constipation, bloating, weight gain, and trouble sleeping.

Seasonal cleansing supports your body in clearing out some of the negative effects of toxin buildup. This can enhance your ability to absorb nutrients leading to enhanced wellbeing.

What is the meal plan?

The meal plan is a nutrient-rich, well-rounded whole food diet. You’ll eat throughout the day to support your metabolism, energy, mental clarity, and mood. There are plenty of plant-based options available, and you can include high-quality animal protein in moderation if desired.

You’ll receive a 7-day meal plan, recipes, grocery shopping lists, and resources. You can mix and match ideas, follow the menu plan, choose grab-and-go options, or prepare simple recipes. With the variety of options, you will find what suits your preferences and time capacity.

Do I have to take supplements?

The Seasonal Reset incorporates whole foods and lifestyle habits to support your well-being. In the program, there are a few specific nutrients or supplements that you can take to enhance your experience. These are discussed primarily for educational purposes and optional for you to take them. This is a Pressure-Free Zone.

If you choose to take supplements you can visit Vitalized Body’s Online Supplement Store. It is open to the public, free to sign up, easy to use, and safe. Upon purchase of the Natural Weight loss Program, you will have access to save an ongoing 15% off all orders in Vitalized Body’s Online Supplement Store. Gain access to thousands of high-quality supplements and products.

For customized supplement guidance please request a free phone or video consultation with Jessica.

Is fitness or yoga mandatory?

For best results, it is recommended that you are active for at least 30-minutes every day while you are on the program. If you are not active, then you can try gentle walking, stretching, swimming, or gentle yoga. There are all-levels yoga classes that you can integrate in if you’d like.

Are you required to practice yoga or exercise daily? The answer is no. Listen to your body and do what feels right for you.

Please consult with your doctor before you begin any new diet or exercise program. The information in the Seasonal Reset is not intended to be medical advice. It offers general nutrition and lifestyle guidance to help support your overall wellness.

How long do I have to access the program?

Upon purchasing the program you will have lifetime access to it. The Seasonal Reset won’t always be offered at this price and will continually be revamped with new recipes and content. But you won’t have to pay a dime for any of those updates. You get permanent access to the program! Many students like to review it and come back to lessons over and over again throughout their well-being during the seasons.

Is the program refundable?

Once you purchase the program, you’ll have immediate access to download the materials and it is non-refundable. This keeps you accountable and motivated. You can go through the program at your own pace 24/7 on all devices.

Meditation Challenge

Ready to Turn Your Busy Life Into a Balanced Life?

Start the FREE Mindful Eating and Meditation Challenge Today!

Crafted for busy souls craving calm, better energy, improved digestion, and reduced stress, this challenge is your pathway to reclaiming balance and vitality amidst life's hustle.

You're on your way to Vitality. Check Your Inbox and get started with the Mindful Eating & Meditation Challenge Now!

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